Paying customers

Paying customers are merchants with an active subscription who have made at least one payment for using your app.

Because the payment for your app runs on Shopify’s billing cycle, it may take more than a month after subscription for your app. If you offer a 14-day trial and on the 13th day the merchant is charged by Shopify, your charge will appear 13 days plus 30 days after the subscription date. One implication is that apps' conversion rate to paying customers dips in the last month or two of data. Don’t be alarmed :-)

Only paying customers originating from visitors to your app store page during your view period are presented in all funnel elements and tables. Paying customers that originate from visitors before the period viewed aren't presented as paying customers in the Funnel and Sources and Keyword Performace pages. This is the only way funnels can make sense. Pre-view-period paying customers are counted towards ARPU and churn and presented in the Dashboard and other pages of the Prys app.